Saturday, June 18, 2011

Father's Day


I've thought a lot about father's day this year... My birth father has been in my life for almost a year and I'm so grateful. Getting to know my father, stepmother, sisters, and the rest of the pack has been a growing experience for everyone involved. I give many thanks for this and look forward to much more of it as life continues. I'd always hoped that Oscar would get to know his other grandfather, and my hope came true. It's been better than I could have imagined. I love you so much Dad.
Dad and me, Felix's birthday dinner
Dad and Oscar

Oscar and G-Diddy=<3
Thankfully, I've always had my Godfather, Paul Lewis, for a father figure and positive male role model. He's been there my entire life. He's seen me through marriage, the birth and death of my first son, the birth and life of my second son, the dissolve of my marriage, and the rebirth of my existence. On my last birthday, he told me not once, but twice how proud he is of me.Possibly one of the best gifts I could have ever received... I can't think of my Godfather without beaming with pride. I will always admire and respect him as well as be eternally grateful for his presence in my life. Oscar and I wouldn't be complete without G-Diddy. When I was little, I would stay with Uncle Paul a lot  when he lived in Fort Worth-he would let me watch Grease until I was tired of it, and then watch it some more. When I turned 20, he told me to meet him for lunch, we had reservations and couldn't be late! I drove out to Dallas to meet with Uncle Paul, Kenneth, John Paul, and Billie-quite a fun group to lunch with! We started driving toward the airport... I had no clue what was in store-but off on a plane to San Antonio we all went! It was a surprise trip that I will never forget. We've been through many up's and down's together, and having him as a constant in my life has made all the difference in the world. Uncle Paul, I appreciate and love you from the bottom of my heart. You are so important to us.
Oscar and G-Diddy, AKA Uncle Paul-my 35th Birthday

G-Diddy, Mimi, and NuNana-Oscar's 7th birthday
Thank you to all of the awesome papa's in the world... You make such a difference. To all of you mother's out there (like mine) who've acted as mother and father for your children-thank you too. Your strength and capacity to take on the world of raising children while wearing many hats is awe-inspiring. Happy Father's Day!

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