Monday, May 23, 2011

Proscrastination breeds creativity...

Well... Sometimes!!! I'm currently at the end of a maymester in school-and it's busting my chops! The course is US Government and its a 16 week course crammed into 2, teeny, tiny, yet somehow awkwardly long weeks! 

 Friday is the last day and while I'd love to sit back and enjoy some terrible television, I've got to study for my final... At the end of the day, it's all for the greater good-and that's what matters! As a teen, I was far more into having a good time then getting an education. That's changed immensely!  Undoubtedly, the myriad of insane spine, bone, and immune attacking illnesses have much to do with this major change. Since I've found out about all of these physical shenanigans, coupled with being a single mother to the worlds most amazing child, the proverbial hitch in my giddyup was born and I've been a progressive machine since!

Now, more than ever, I feel the need to get a grip on life, get control, and achieve, Achieve, ACHIEVE! I've resolved to let the physical pain and the bad parts of life remain where they are and not breathe life into them... They'll always be there, why fan the flame? If I leave them alone, I won't deny their existence. What I will do is spawn an existence of life and progression. It's vital. I've now gained a hunger for life that I've never had. Where once I felt sad or sorry for the hand I was dealt, I now embrace it, am thankful for it, and forage ahead. 

In life, the certain and constant components are change. Some change is painful, some is productive, and some change, most importantly, will provide birth to a new life. In that life, just as the former, we must choose our paths carefully. The difference is that we've grown, we've evolved, and we are going down our given path with fresh eyes and a fresh heart. I've had many rebirths in my time. Each time more important than the last, anxious to start the next chapter, thankful to be in the current one. 

Never let the pessimists or naysayers get the best of you. Never allow them to block your evolution. Thank them for their existence and appreciate that without their harsh, negative, perspective, there would be less ease in embracing the goodness and sweetness in life. Always be thankful!

Now... On to studying Government! 
Please enjoy the unicorn that spews rainbows-put here to illustrate said point ;)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

This year I turn 36...

As the great Erykah Badu says..."this year I turn 36/Damn it seems it came so quick/my ass and legs have gotten thick, yeah/its all me..." From her song "Me"-check it out, you'll be glad!

So, tomorrow morning I turn 36-I thought the quote appropriate. Undoubtedly, this year, by far, has been the best of my life. I've grown close to 3 beautiful, amazing sisters, a stepmother who is like a sister from another mister, and a relationship with my dad that I've longed for my entire life.  Beyond that-I've completed 2 semesters of college with very high grades, my son Oscar is doing fantastically well, and I've made beautiful friends! I might dare say that life has never been better! 

Friday, I had my first birthday dinner with Dad and Sindy-Chelsey and Cody were there (Sarah, Emily, and Addy were there at heart)-Sommer, Erin, Alan, Nicole, Josh, Patt, and our respective children, present and on the way came out for din din at Mellow Mushroom-and despite the chaos of the evening, being with amazing friends and family was awesome! I received very kind, thoughtful gifts, and felt extremely lucky to have had this celebration with friends and new family!  

And... It got better!

Tonight I had dinner with my mother, godfather, Oscar, Billie, David, Kenneth, and my dear friend Molly. It was beautiful. We went to Uncle Julio's in Dallas as we always do-and mom made a fantastic cake for me-my favorite in the world-yellow cake-chocolate icing... nom nom nom...

The gift theme of the evening was travel... Oscar and I are going to San Francisco in June to see my sister and best friend, Sarah, her sweetie pie, Geoff, and their loveable baby goldendoodle, Maggie... S0... Uncle Paul gave me a hat box filled with peanuts (because they don't give them out on planes anymore, he said), a necklace that had 4 strands of beads on it, but that he used to make other things (which, by the way, I LOVE getting gifts that are attached to other things-it's like he gave me a piece of art he created, love that man!) and some spending money for our trip that's going RIGHT into the piggy bank that we've set aside for SF!

I've wanted this camera for a loooong time... Mom, being as thoughtful as ever, made sure that I got it-she, Kenneth, and Uncle Paul got it for me-and it's beautiful! Stay tuned for photos to come! I'll have that thing on me everywhere I go! 
Mom worked very hard on making sure that she was able to get a gift for me from Oscar. He asked her to get me a necklace-and that she did... I opened the most beautiful, silver tree of life necklace from Oscar (and mom), and the tears flowed...

Then, I opened another special package from Billie and David. They brought me back the most beautiful scarf from Israel, which subsequently is the middle name of my first son, Felix, may he rest in peace. But not only was it from Israel, but it was green (which is Oscar's favorite color) with butterflies on it... For those of you who don't know, Felix's ashes were scattered at the monarch butterfly sanctuary in Angangueo, Michoacan, Mexico. SO, the tears kept going! Now, I have a scarf that represents both of my beautiful boys to carry with me as my proverbial security blanket!

The night was beautiful! Good friends, good family, good, sweet love, and precious memento's to carry me into my 36th year.

Tomorrow is for school, celebration, and sweet snuggles with my Changocito (little monkey, Oscar!)
Thank you to Mom, Dad, Uncle Paul, Sindy, Kenneth, Chelsey, Cody, Erin, Sommer, Molly, Josh, Patt, Alan, Nicole, and of course, Oscar for making my birthday so special! Love you guys!
Much Love-